Monthly Archives: September 2016


BoS on 10/4

TOWN OF MEDFIELD MEETING NOTICE POSTED: TOWN CLERK Hf GE IV t: :IJ fOWN OF MEDFIELD. MA$$. ZOlb SEP in A fl: SJ POSTED IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE PROVISIONS OF M.G.L. CHAPTER 39 SEC°tlON '2:3A AS AMENDED. OFFICE Of THE Board of Selectmen TOWN CLERK Board or Committee PLACE OF MEETING DAY, DATE, AND TIME Town Hall, Chenery Meeting Room, 2nd floor Tuesday October 4, 2016@ 7:00 PM AGENDA (SUBJECT TO CHANGE) Community Preservation Act Committee Present update to Selectmen Open Space and Recreation Committee Discuss 2016 draft plan John Thompson, Chair MSH Buildings and Grounds Discuss indoor air testing in the Chapel Vote to sign November 8, 2016 Warrant 8 :30 PM Developer Michael Larkin of Country Estates of Medfield, LLC Present Hospital Road 40B project; consisting of 48 non-age restricted condominium units NEW BUSINESS Letter of resignation received from Planning Board member Keith Diggans Vote to authorize Chairman Fisher sign 1st Amendment Project Funding Agreement regarding Wheelock School boiler Boy Scout Troop 89 requests permission to place a sign at the Transfer Station announcing their annual Christmas Tree Pickup and Recycling Program Angel Run Publicity, Chair Diane Smith requests permission to post signs October 11 to November 1 annotlncing registration for the December event Other business that may arise

BoS on 9/20

Meeting Minutes September 20, 2016 draft PRESENT: Selectmen Fisher, Peterson, Marcucci; Town Administrator Sullivan; Assistant Town Administrator Trierweiler; Town Counsel Cerel; Administrative Assistant Clarke The meeting convened at 7:00 PM in the Chenery Meeting Room Chairman Fisher announced this meeting is being recorded He asked for a moment of appreciation for our brave servicemen and servicewomen serving around the world MEDFIELD STATE HOSPITAL MASTER PLANNING COMMITIEE Present: members Brandie Erb, Teresa James Ms. Erb highlighted the recent activities of the seven member committee. She noted that we send out a newsletter to keep the residents up to date on our activities. Over the summer the committee worked to refine the financial model presented by Town hired consultant Vanasse Hangen Brustlin (VHB) to be submitted to the Town. Among our remaining tasks is to finalize a concept plan for the 130 acres including the Hinkley property and Lot 3. Our goal is to have a target date to present a new master plan for the hospital property at a special town meeting in the fall of 2017. Ms. Erb remarked that the committee has agreed to part ways with the consultant VHB and prepare a new Request for Proposal for a new consultant. The discussion then turned to Parcel A-1. This parcel is state owned land, designated agricultural and the state proposes to lease it to Tangerini Farm. The lease would be for oneyear with optional renewal. DCAMM let the Town know about their plan as a courtesy. Mr. Peterson has an issue with this plan citing it is not a compatible use of this parcel that is surrounded by residential homes. He can't believe that one individual went to DCAMM telling them the parcel should be used for farming and they acted upon it. Mr. Fisher said that personally I would like to see farming back at the hospital site; that land is zoned agricultural. Tangerini Farm is a reputable family organization. The Selectmen request the hospital committee review this issue and look forward to their comments. ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT COMMITIEE Chairman Pat Casey opened his discussion by announcing that member Chip Wakely has resigned. Interested residents to fill the vacancy please contact Town Hall. He then continued remarking that the Downtown Summit conducted in February 2016 provided the committee with initiatives to work on such as parking in the downtown, aesthetics (includes signs); infrastructure (roads, sidewalks, utilities). A Phase I parking study was completed in 2014 and the committee will be making application for a grant to help defray the $70,000 cost to complete the study. Mr. Casey said that the committee intends to apply for grants that will help create a better pedestrian experience and delve into the issue of burying utility lines. September 20, 2016 Page two Selectmen Peterson mentioned that in past conversations it was suggested that the Economic Development Committee and the Downtown Study Committee should meld together to provide more efficiency in planning and perhaps help to achieve similar goals. Mr. Casey will reach out to the DSC for discussion. Selectman Marcucci offered that they should also reach out to the Townwide Master Plan Steering Committee to coordinate future plans. POLICE DEPARfMENT STAFFING Police Chief Meaney presented his proposal to fill the position of Deputy Chief of Police. Chief Meaney explained that the position has previously been approved by the Personnel Board and funding for the position is in his FY17 budget. He said that this is a good step to make the organization run very smoothly. By having a Deputy Chief it will allow Chief Meaney more time to devote to much needed administrative work including budget preparation, community relations and traffic management. The Deputy Chief will be in charge of the department during Police Chief absences instead of a sergeant supervising other sergeants. Chief Meaney recommends Sergeant John W. Wilhelmi be appointed Deputy Chief. VOTE: Selectman Peterson made a motion, seconded by Selectman Marcucci to accept Police Chief Robert Meaney's recommendation for the position of a Deputy Chief and appoint Sergeant John W. Wilhelmi as Deputy Chief of the Medfield Police Department. Vote was unanimous PUBLIC HEARING - VERIZON WIRELESS REQUESTS GRANT OF LOCATION Mr. Marcucci recused from the hearing due to a conflict of interest. Selectman Peterson, Clerk declared the hearing open; read the Legal Notice regarding the petition of Cellco Partnership, dba Verizon Wireless for the purpose to issue a Grant of Location to locate small wireless antennas and necessary sustaining and protecting fixtures on two existing utility poles; pole #6X, located on Main Street and pole #79/6 located on Robert Sproul Road and Pound Street. Attorney Daniel Klasnick represented the petitioner and explained that these are the only two poles in Medfield designated at this time. These locations were selected due to high demand in those areas. A small converter will be placed about 10 feet high on the pole with an antenna at the top of the pole. Resident John Thompson queried what is contained in the device, is it hazardous. There are no chemicals or heat energy; the device does not act as a transformer. Resident Teresa James queried about the time to do the work, will it disrupt the traffic particularly on Main Street. The work will take approximately two hours using a bucket truck and police detail will be requested. A motion was made at 7:55 PM to close the hearing. On a motion made and seconded it was VOTED unanimously to grant Verizon Wireless permission to install antennas and September 20, 2016 Page three necessary fixtures on pole #6X located on Main Street and on pole 79/6 on Robert Sproul Road and Pound Street STATE HOSPITAL GROUNDS CONTRACT Ms. Trierweiler requested the Board vote to award the landscaping contract to Shady Tree Landscaping in the amount of $89,500.00 and it was so voted TOWN GARAGE SOLAR PANELS Mr. Sullivan explained that bids were recently opened and Greenskies Renewable Energy, Middletown, CT was the low bidder. It has been discovered that there is a problem with their bid that needs to be clarified prior to awarding the bid. Selectmen agreed to hold item until next meeting. ADVANCED 11FE SUPPOITT SERVICES Mr. Sullivan explained that the Town's carrier Events EMS went out of business giving us (and othertowns they serviced) very short notice to find a way to provide ALS (paramedic) services. Fire Chief Kingsbury has arranged with Brewster Ambulance Service to serve Medfield with an initial 60 day emergency contract; it will automatically renew for successive one month terms. Mr. Sullivan went on to say that he discussed with Chief Kingsbury the possibility of our firefighters becoming paramedics. The cost of this program would be quite expensive, $1.6m. This program would be something for the Town to consider in the future. We would all agree it is a needed service, however it may be better provided by a private company. The Selectmen are requested to vote to authorize Town Administrator sign the Brewster Ambulance Service Agreement and it was so voted. LEGAL SERVICES / MEDFIELD CONCOM Town Counsel Cerel said that with the Selectmen's previous approval he has engaged attorney Margaret Stolfa of Gordon Rees Scully Mansukhani, LLP. She will represent the Conservation Committee's in their decision to deny LCB build assisted living facility near perennial stream, Main Street. LCB has filed an appeal with DEP. Ms. Stolfa specializes in wetlands and environmental litigation. Selectmen are requested to sign the legal services agreement and it was so voted. PROPOSED 40B DEVELOPMENT, DALE STREET A letter received from MASS Housing informing the Selectmen they will conduct a site visit on Wednesday September 28 at 10 AM. COMMITIEE APPOINTMENT VOTED unanimously to appoint Jeremy MacPherson as a member of Medfield Historical Commission and as recommended by the Commission September 20, 2016 Page four CHAPTER90 VOTED unanimously to sign Chapter 90 Project Request for Green Street in the amount of $50,000 and a second Project Request for North Meadows Road, Pine Street, Winter Street In the amount of $50,000 and as recommended by Director of Public Works Maurice Goulet AFFORDABLE HOUSING PUBLIC FORUM It was noted that this meeting will not be a public forum but rather a working session. Counsel Cerel remarked that he discussed Medfield's situation with Attorney Jay Talerman, of Blatman, Bobrowski and Mead. Attorney Talerman will attend the workshop. Roberta Cameron, consultant from Community Opportunities Group (COG) will give a presentation on th Housing Production Plan and Strategies VOTED unanimously to authorize Town Counsel Cerel engage Attorney Jay Talerman, as Counsel with respect to the proposed Dale Street project MEETING MINUTES VOTED unanimously to accept the September 6, 2016 minutes as amended PRELIMINARY FY 18 BUDGET AND ARTICLES Mr. Sullivan gave a brief overview of the budgets remarking he has planned for a 6% increase for health insurance and a 3% increase in the school budget. He distributed a draft of warrant articles and requested the Selectmen review and make comments/any additions. LICENSES AND PERMITS VOTED unanimously to grant the Medfield Lions Club permission to display signs October 21 to November 5 promoting their annual Chowder Fest to be held at the CENTER VOTED unanimously to grant a one-day wine and malt beverage license to the Council on Aging for their event Poker Pizza Party October 19 4-8PM VOTED unanimously to grant Medfield Youth Lacrosse permission to display signs November 1-10 advertising Spring 2017 registration VOTED unanimously to grant Medfield Green Committee permission to place signs September 28 to October 12 to advertise October is Medfield Green Month at the Transfer Station September 20, 2016 Page five SELECTMEN REPORr Mr. Peterson said that the Energy Committee is happy to report Solarize Medfield program has reached Tier 3; Medfield Cares About Prevention "Hidden in Plain Sight" display was a good success at Medfield Day and all in all Medfield Day was a great event, congratulations to MEMO Mr. Marcucci enjoyed Council on Aging's Volunteer Dinner held at Primavera Restaurant attended by an impressive group of people that make it all work. September 20, 2016 Page five Mr. Fisher commended MEMO on the 3ih Annual Medfield Day, well organized, great attendance and so fortunate to have beautiful weather. ADJOURNMENT On a motion made by Selectman Peterson, seconded by Selectman Marcucci the meeting adjourned at 9:20 PM.20160920_page_220160920_page_320160920_page_420160920_page_5

Mega-B information


A resident asked me questions about our affordable housing status and the pending Mega-B, and our options.  I thought others might be interested in my answers.

In answer to your questions:

The developer’s projected number of children for a 200 unit complex seems low.  Can the town assess the demographics of the other apartments in Medfield through the census filings?  This could provide a data-based benchmark on how many kids to expect from the development. 

That sort of analysis will get done as part of the process, in the comprehensive permit process before the ZBA.  The town will hire, at the developer’s expense, peer review consultants to analyze the project and to make recommendations both about the developer’s conclusions and about how to make the project better and more palatable.  The town will also get a state grant ($15,000 I believe) that allows us to hire a separate 40B consultant.  The town has already hired, and heard from on Monday evening, a special 40B legal consultant (attorney Jason Talerman).  As we proceed, I favor a dual track process by which we both try to stop the proposal in any way we can, and also have the town actively negotiating with the developer to reduce the size and scope of the proposed development, in case we cannot stop it – the town can offer easier permitting for a negotiated, more acceptable project, which saves the developer time and money.

The developer’s numbers for school children strike me too as seeming low, but maybe not dramatically off.  The number that I have often heard quoted is that towns like ours should expect on average 1.5 school children per each single family home, and 0.15 school children per unit in multifamily housing.  That 0.15 school children per unit in multifamily housing was the ratio that the town’s three consultants all agreed upon and used ten years ago  when the town was analyzing the town and state agreed upon proposed 440 unit development at the former Medfield State Hospital site.  That former plan for the MSH site was projected to have 133 school children in the 440 units of housing.  Affordable housing has always been and continues to be part of the discussions related to the Medfield State Hospital site, including age related affordable housing.  The plan the selectmen agreed to with the state ten years ago, which was then for the state to have a private developer develop the Medfield State Hospital site, called for much of the 259 units (with only 79 truly affordable) of proposed affordable housing to be age restricted, and the state at that time did agree in writing to allow that plan.  From what the Board of Selectmen is now told, we could probably no longer get that age restricted housing allowed by the state as affordable housing, as the state now mainly wants to see 40B housing be family housing.

That 0.15 ratio would give one 30 school children in this currently proposed 200 unit apartment complex.  I believe the numbers of school children at The Parc are above, but close to that ratio.


Separately, can a town fulfill it’s 40B requirements via affordable senior housing?  And is there a way to designate a development as only for seniors?  If this is an option, maybe the town can proactively use part of the state hospital property in this way?

Yes we can meet our 10% affordable housing via housing for seniors, such as at Tilden Village.  However, the selectmen were told that over time the state has been getting more and more stringent in allowing age restricted housing to qualify as affordable housing for 40B purposes, such that the Board of Selectmen was told it is currently exceedingly difficult to get such age restricted 40B projects allowed.  The state now wants affordable 40B housing to be mainly family housing.  However, part of my plan involves using the 40-60 proposed new units of age restricted housing at Tilden Village, and I am hopeful the state will allow those units because of the synergies with the existing development already in place.  The rest of my plan is to pass the Housing Production Plan ASAP (looks to be on October 17), and to develop 10 units of group home living for people with disabilities, which can qualify as affordable housing.  Those ten affordable units, combined with the approved Housing Production Plan and the 12 units of affordable housing from the Hospital Road 40B that are already in the pipe line (they have already filed with the ZBA for a comprehensive permit) could get us to a safe harbor for one year, and we would be looking to the Tilden Village expansion and/or other affordable housing plans to get the next 22 units per year we would need to keep our safe harbor.


Because of the statutory deadlines, it is now too late to do any affordable housing at the Medfield State Hospital site as a way to stop this current 200 unit proposal.  However, future affordable housing at the Medfield State Hospital site could be part of the annual 22 units per year that are needed to be built to keep the safe harbor.


Since I think others will be interested in your questions and my answers, I will post them on my blog.

Good news for our legal rights


Dear AAJ Members,

The Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) has finalized a rule that will ban nursing homes and long term care facilities from requiring their residents to “agree to” pre-dispute arbitration as a condition for receiving federal money through Medicare and Medicaid. We expect the practical impact of this rule to be that the overwhelming majority of nursing homes will cease their practice of forcing residents to sign pre-dispute arbitration agreements.

This rule is a major breakthrough in our work with you, and so many of your clients, to end forced arbitration. Our work together against forced arbitration clauses buried in the fine print has been ongoing, building, and producing results. It includes:

Advocacy for the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau to issue a final rule to curb fraud and abuse in the financial sector by limiting the use of class action waivers as part of forced arbitration clauses;
Advocacy for the Department of Labor’s final rule (issued April 4, 2016) requiring that contracts between investors and a financial adviser/firm acting as a fiduciary are prohibited from including provisions that would limit liability or waive the investor’s right to participate in a class action in court;
Advocacy for the Department of Education to issue a final rule that prohibits the use of forced arbitration and class action waivers by schools receiving federal funds under Title IV of the Higher Education Act of 1965;
Advocacy for the Department of Labor’s final rule (issued August 24, 2016) implementing President Obama’s Fair Pay and Safe Workplaces Executive Order (July 2014) that prohibits corporations with federal contracts of $1 million or more from subjecting their employees to forced arbitration for claims arising under Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, or civil suits related to sexual assault or harassment.

Thank you for working with us to protect consumers from forced arbitration. We will share additional news with you as rules are finalized by other agencies.

Mega-B site visit


I and about twenty other people attended the MassHousing site visit for the proposed Mega-B at ten o’clock this morning.  With their backs to the camera are the developer team, from left to right, Geoff Engler, VP of SEB, the 40B consultant, his employee, Maura Cronin, and the developer, John Kelly of Sherborn.  Representative Denise Garlick (in the red jacket) and her new Director of Constituent Services, Anne Weinstein attended, as did many Town of Medfield officials and employees, neighbors, and Medfield residents.

What I learned:

  • The two buildings are referenced as north and south, with the north one being adjacent to the cemetery.
  • Mr. Engler stated that he has worked on 15,000 units
  • Mr. Engler opined that the demographics of the residents will be similar to the Charles River Landing in Needham, with which he was involved
    • that the renters will be empty nesters, divorced fathers, and few families
    • – interestingly, Rep. Garlick, who had worked on that Charles River Landing project from the town side, disagreed with him as to what those demographics were at the Charles River Landing
  • Patrick Corrigan of Dover, whose brother Sean lived in Medfield until his death a year and a half ago, is an investor, not a developer of the project
  • Mr. Engler opined that the 200 units would produce 30-50 school children
    • none in the 43 one-bedroom units
    • a few in the 126 two bedroom units
    • most in the 31 three bedroom units
  • The town was encouraged to negotiate the both the density and the impacts with the developer, by both Mr. Engler and the two MassHousing employees
  • The MassHousing employees noted that the issue for them is whether the site is suitable for the proposed housing, and that most sites are suitable, but that MassHousing has recently turned down a fourteen story proposal at Coolidge Corner in Brookline and a five story proposal on the harbor in Scituate (?).

The developers will present their proposal to the Board of Selectmen at our regular 7PM meeting on 10/18/16, which will be held at the Medfield High School auditorium to accommodate the number of expected attendees.

Angel Run – 12/4 at noon


Register now for the 2016 Angel Run

See email in browser

Greetings Angel Run Friends,

Join us for the 11th running (or walking) of the Angel Run on Sunday, December 4th at 12pm! Note we are starting the race 2 hours earlier than in years past.

Registration for the MFi Angel Run is officially open. Registration is exclusively online at and runs through November 1st. Register by this date to receive the always popular commemorative Angel Run shirt. After November 1st online registration will close and sign ups will be limited to the day of the event only, with no shirt option.

Once again this year we will be offering bib tag timing to provide you the most accurate time possible.

New this year is a special separate starting corral for competitive runners. To qualify you must have completed a 5K in under 22 minutes. Be sure to note this on your registration.


Needham Bank is the Exclusive Presenting Sponsor
of the 2016 MFi Angel Run

Register Now!

We hope to see you there (with bells on!)


The MFi Angel Run Team



Copyright © 2016 Medfield Foundation, All rights reserved.
You registered for the 2014 MFi Angel Run

Our mailing address is:

Medfield Foundation

Medfield Town House

459 Main Street

Medfield, MA 02052


BoS last night – talk, but no action

Lots of educational discussion at last night’s the Board of Selectmen meeting about the affordable housing rules and our status, but no decisions on how to proceed were made. The agenda we followed is below.

I suggested to my colleagues that my strategy, to get us protection from 40B’s, is to use the Hospital Road 40B’s 12 affordable units, combined with the siting of two group homes in town with five disabled residents in each group home to get to the needed 22 affordable units, which combined with an approved Housing Production Plan would protect the town for a year from unfriendly 40D proposals.  I would then seek to gain two more years of protection by building 42 units at Tilden Village.  The Housing Production Plan should be approved by the end of November, so our real task is how to build the required affordable housing units.

I suggested to my selectmen colleagues that the selectmen must clearly assign the Town Administrator the task to get this done as soon as possible, because to protect the town it needs to be done before the Mega-B applies to the Zoning Board of Appeals for a comprehensive permit, and that is likely to happen next February or March.  I do not see that anyone but the town administrator can get this done, unless the town does what we did with the Medfield State Hospital project of hiring a consultant to lead the town to get it done.  I made that same suggestion, to assign the task to Mike, at the selectman meeting last Tuesday.  My selectmen colleagues were not ready Tuesday, or again last night, to assign the task to Mike, so I fear we are currently moving sideways.


Agenda for September 26th Selectmen’s Meeting Affordable Housing Workshop

Welcome by Mark Fisher, Chairman of Board of Selectman and Introductions

This meeting is being recorded. We will begin by observing a moment of appreciation for our Troops serving in the Mideast and around the world.


A.      Presentation on Housing Production Plan and Strategies by Roberta Cameron, consultant from Community Opportunities Group (COG)


B.      Affordable Housing Discussion


1.       Adoption of Housing Production Plan

a.       Approval by Planning Board

b.       Approval by Board of Selectmen

c.       Submission to and approval by State


2.       Implementation of Housing Production Plan

a.       Selection of locations for future 40B housing developments

b.       Determination of developers (Town (LIP), non-profit, for-profit) and types of housing

c.        Bidding, sale and/ or transfer (disposition) of land

d.       Details of financing methods

e.       Request for site approval from Mass Housing

f.        Application to Zoning Board of Appeal for Comprehensive Permit

g.       Appeals Period

h.       Bidding for design, construction, site work, landscaping, etc.

i.         Construction

j.         Lottery and/or marketing of units and determination of management plan


3.       Construction of Additional units at Tilden Village

a.       Transfer of Land and Project Approval from State (which Agencies)

b.       Project Funding

c.       Selection of Project Manager and Architect

d.       Design, Bidding and Construction (Public construction process)

e.       Tenant Selection


4.       Update on Hospital Road 40B project

a.       Status

b.       Options


5.       Update on Dale/North Meadows 40B project

a.       Status

b.       Options


6.       Creation of Affordable Senior Housing

a.       Locations

b.       Zoning

c.       Funding

d.       Local Preference



Regular “Solarize Medfield Library Hours”

solarize mass medfield

Calendar Listing – Solarize Medfield Library Hours

“Solarize Medfield Library Hours” will be held weekly, on Tuesdays from 12 p.m. to 3 p.m. and on Thursdays from 4 p.m. to 7 p.m., starting on Thursday, September 29 and ending on Thursday, November 17, at the Medfield Public Library, 468 Main Street. Medfield residents and business owners are invited to stop by to talk with representatives from the program’s solar installer, New England Clean Energy. Residents and business owners with proposals from New England Clean Energy can bring their proposals and ask questions. Admission is free. Solarize Medfield is a community program designed to help local homeowners and business owners save money and help the planet by installing solar energy systems at discounted prices. Solarize Medfield is supported by the Town of Medfield, the Massachusetts Clean Energy Center and the Massachusetts Department of Energy Resources, and run by local volunteers. The program ends November 30. For more information, contact Marie Nolan, Medfield Solar Coach, at (508) 361-8786 or


Marie Nolan
Medfield Solar Coach
(508) 361-8786

Susan Boucher
New England Clean Energy
(978) 567-6527

Praise for COA

Email received from renown Medfield basketball player Jerry Cianciolo –


An Open Letter to the Medfield Selectmen


It may be the best kept secret in Medfield.  Certainly to many under the age of 65 it’s something unknown.


But more than nine-hundred older people and their families who use the facility daily, weekly, or monthly will tell you what a gem the town has in The Center at Medfield.


As one who offers a workshop for those with a touch of gray, I’m familiar with senior centers throughout the area.  To their credit many are good, but only a handful are great. Ours falls into the latter category.


Walk into One Ice House Road, home to the Medfield Council on Aging, and what you feel at once is warmth.  There’s not a bureaucrat in sight.  Not only are you immediately at ease but intuitively you sense your needs will be addressed and your questions answered.  What permeates is an atmosphere of competence and conviviality.


What I find equally striking about The Center is the bustle inside.  I’ve visited senior centers in the early afternoon and found many to be strangely empty and quiet.  In Medfield it’s the opposite.  On any given day, The Center teems with exercise groups, enrichment classes, fashion shows, 12-piece swing bands, retirement seminars, ballroom dancing, card games, respite care activities, and a friendly gent or two eyeing the topography of a 1000-piece jigsaw puzzle.


Many deserve credit for the success of The Center, among them Susan Bernstein, Cheryl Lavallee, Bill Pardi, Kathy Powers, and the unfailingly friendly receptionists at the front desk.


But it is director Roberta Lynch who is The Center’s fulcrum, the magnet that pulls everyone and everything together.  I’ve known Roberta for only a short time, but up-close I’ve observed her unerring instincts for hiring the right people, setting the perfect tone, and experimenting with different, even novel approaches.  All the while she makes the complexity of her job seem deceptively easy.


Oh yes, and Roberta listens.  Walk in The Center and you’ll find her door always open – whether you simply want to share a funny story or need a compassionate ear to help you navigate a crisis.


Many older people have a bias against senior centers.  I did.  But take a step or two into The Center at Medfield and you’ll have that notion completely dispelled.


Jerry Cianciolo

Minds in Motion Workshop




MassHousing give town extension to 11/18 to submit comments

Email from Sarah Raposa today announcing that MassHousing gave town an extension to respond to the Mega-B –



To:       Town Officials, Boards and Commissions

From:   Sarah Raposa, Town Planner

Date:    September 26, 2016

Re:       Medfield Meadows 40B –

New Deadline for Municipal Comment Letter


Following up on my memo from 9/22/16:


MassHousing has extended the Town’s Municipal Comment Letter deadline.  The new deadline for submitting Town comments is no later than Friday, November 18, 2016.


Please inform us of any issues that have been raised or are anticipated in the review of this application and have preliminary comments ready by Friday, October 7th so that they can be compiled in advance of the Board of Selectmen’s meeting on Tuesday, October 18th when the developers are presenting their application.


We will then review comments and formalize the comment letter by November 10th, in advance of the Selectmen’s meeting on November 15th.



Sarah Raposa, AICP

Town Planner
459 Main Street
Medfield, MA  02052