Moderator’s thanks

This email this morning from the Moderator thanking all those who made the special town meeting work so well.  I will piggyback my thanks to these individuals as well – there are many pieces that have to come together to make a town meeting happen –

A special thanks to everyone for your coordination, support, and excellent efforts relative to the orchestration of last evening’s Special Town Meeting. It is an honor to stand-up before 1000+ friends and neighbors knowing that so many people contributed to the preparations and execution of the meeting—and all with a positive and upbeat approach.

In a separate email I have thanked Alan Peterson and his staff for the excellent preparation of the facility.  So thanks very much to all of you.  Doug, the Jazz Band and Kelly were really great—congratulations and good luck as you prepare for the trip to NYC.  Chris, per usual, the sound and production were expert—we’re very fortunate to have you. Eoin, the technology was flawless—much appreciated. Carol, thanks to you and your team for a very smooth registration and our new set-up in the lobby. Aditi, Medfield TV, and all of your team, did a great job—very professional—looking forward to seeing the re-broadcast.  Chief, thanks to you and your officers. Conrad and Bill, as usual, everything was under control!  Kris, thanks to you and Evelyn for production of the report on the warrant—and everything else that you did to make last evening a success.  Jeff and Charlie, I greatly appreciate the support and coordination of the entire school department. And, Michael, your steady hand–and knowledge, understanding, and approach–are priceless.

It was a pleasure working with everyone. And, less than 50 days until the Annual Town Meeting!

Have a great day, Scott

Scott F. McDermott

Town Moderator

Town of Medfield


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